How to get useful information for management?

Shared Economy
JSP Consulting
January 6, 2021

There is a general opinion in society that large companies (corporations) are a bit inflexible and it is difficult to introduce changes and innovations. But what if the company’s staff have no idea what the current opportunities and offers are?

Large companies often receive a number of different offers from small companies or startups. These can be various development programs, innovations, or products that will facilitate the organization of work. Although this is often information that could be interesting for the company’s management, it usually never reaches them.

There are many reasons why speculative offers usually fail at the beginning; the receptionist or the assistant do not consider them important, so they immediately delete them. Or, on the contrary, they will send them to the wrong person, who refuses to deal with them. Subordinate staff sometimes do not have to have an open enough mind, and therefore evaluate the offers of innovation as completely unnecessary. Fear of unnecessary burdens on management may also play a role here. Then there’s the fact that the SPAM folder will swallow some offers straight away.

But how can you solve such a situation? There are numerous options. For example, a company can talk to its employees, invest tens of hours of time and money on various employee training courses that will help them better perceive and evaluate the information coming into the company. Another option is to get middle management to think about the possible consequences and benefits of offers and to create a greater atmosphere of trust throughout the company, whereby people will feel that they can pass on any supplier offers without fear of reprisal.

Another option is to use the B2B portal adapted to each company’s needs. This collaboration tool opens up a forum for small and large companies, thus enhancing the possibility of matching demand with supply. Small companies and startups can directly address the responsible person from the larger, corporate companies, and they can clearly choose from the services offered by smaller companies. As a result, the management of a large company has an overview of opportunities, offers, and requests, and can therefore make more informed decisions regarding their investments into further innovations and improvements.


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